Violence is a result of black and white thinking. Wherever peaceful tolerance fails, the situation escalates. When Jesus ask to love our enemies, he required extreme tolerance.
In France, the causes of terror have been debated for many years. The 65-year-old Gilles Kepel says: The terror is a consequence of the radicalization of Islam. The 71-year-old Olivier Roy says: Terror is an expression of the Islamization of violent radicalism.
Perhaps it is not an “either or”, but an “as well as”. Tolerance is not the dominance of one opinion, but the acceptance of different opinions. According to Roy, the militant secularism of the French Republic favors terror by banishing everything religious in the private sphere and in the backyards. Religion becomes a revolutionary offer.
Only when we find a way to respect each other, we will create an atmosphere of common tolerance. Religious violence is not going away, but the question is, what podium do we give it? When the focus is on tolerance, radicalism losses its ground.
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