The great theme of Jesus is the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God does not begin by creating a perfect world, but by bringing salvation into this world.

The kingdom of God is not about presenting something, but about admitting that we all need change.

In this kingdom, it is not the sword that rules, but the word. People are invited in a promotional way, but not forced to do anything. Continue reading The great theme of Jesus is the kingdom of God.

Jesus surprises us with eternal life

Jesus says: ‘Eternal life has already begun. Whoever comes to living faith has eternal life (John 6:47).

The surprising thing is that eternal life begins when we connect with Jesus.

We are not followers of Jesus in order to be with God one day. Rather, God wants to be with us and share life with us now. We are building a relationship with God now that will last for all eternity.

So our present life is not there to obtain eternal life with God. It is about divine life being revealed and experienced in the here and now.

Jesus’ surprising statement about the way

Jesus says in John 14:6: ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’.

This is the answer to Thomas’ question as to how we can come to the same place that Jesus is going preparing a living place for us by the heavenly Father.

That’s a strong statement from Jesus in an interpretation-orientated culture. Judaism is characterised precisely by the fact that every rabbi finds his own explanations and thus defines his own path.

Jesus says: I am the correct interpretation. Truth is defined by God. And true life is created in connection with him.

But most people fight tooth and nail against the idea that they need divine help.

sculpture Peter Kuhn, Wermatswil


Divine power in the name of Jesus

The healing of the severely disabled man at the Beautiful Gate in Jerusalem (Acts 3:1-26) is a public sign that the “divine work through Jesus” did not end with his death on the cross but continues in believers. The same power in which Jesus travelled is at work in the name of Jesus.

When Peter takes the hand of the man paralysed from birth, he suddenly Continue reading Divine power in the name of Jesus

Life is more than eating and drinking and beautiful rituals

Perhaps the slogan “it’s all over when you die” is an obstacle to think about God today.

If we refocus our attention on the fact that our destiny is not just a fleeting shadow, but is orientated towards eternal communion with God, our priorities will change.

With a view to eternity, it makes sense to prioritise and give up some things or selflessly commit ourselves to others.

Those who live without the knowledge of a future remain stuck in the meaninglessness of life and have little strength to get through difficult situations and be hopeful.

The impacts of the Holy Spirit

In addition to a genuine interest in God, the Holy Spirit brings knowledge about God and our wrongdoings. We realise that we cannot save ourselves and grasp the hand of God that he extends to us in Jesus.

When we hold on to Jesus, the Holy Spirit causes us to love the heavenly Father, Jesus and the Bible, the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit causes us to accept God as a trustworthy Father. An inner knowledge arises in us that we are children of God. The Holy Spirit also works divine peace in us.

The Holy Spirit also creates the fruits of the Holy Spirit in us and gives us the gifts we need for our tasks. Our lives change slowly. Why slowly? No fruit suddenly pops up. It grows and matures over time.

The Holy Spirit give a genuine interest in God

The Holy Spirit speaks to all people. John 16:8 says: And when he (the Holy Spirit) comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.”

God speaks to all people. The decisive factor is how we react to this. Do we want to open ourselves up to him or do we barricade ourselves in and want to keep him away from us?

The Holy Spirit causes us to have a genuine interest in God. So the question is: do I want to know more of God or am I just questioning him?

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