Bible and Quran

The big difference between Bible and Quran is that the Bible is a collection of different texts by around 40 writers over 1500 years.

The Quran says (sura 85: 21-22) that he is a divine revelation of the heavenly Koran to Mohammed between 610-632. Mohammed recited the oral messages and so the Quran has been passed on from generation to generation.

The confusing thing is that 63 resources are needed to document 96 percent of the Quran until the year 719. The document that gets most of the Quran, include only around 53% from the Quran, although the Quran has been send to 7 cities since 656 and it is obligated to recited in the original manner. Over the century’s different Arabic versions of the Quran raised up. Continue reading Bible and Quran

Saudi converted Americans to Islam, until he saw Jesus

Nasser, who was born and raised on the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia, longed to die for Allah by waging jihad, and thus improving his chances of making it into Paradise.

Nasser’s parents were opposed to the idea of their 12-year-old going to Pakistan for training and being smuggled into Afghanistan to fight the Russians, but many of his older friends did join jihad. Continue reading Saudi converted Americans to Islam, until he saw Jesus