Tag Archives: Kingdom

Ascension Day

On this day, the disciples are very much looking forward to Jesus establishing the kingdom. Jesus opens a new chapter. He is now sitting on the father’s right hand. God’s presence is re-experienced through the Holy Spirit.

After Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he met over 500 people (1 Corinthians 15: 5). These included the women at the grave (John 20), the two hikers to Emmaus (Luke 24) and the disciples of Jesus. These encounters were encouraging, but nothing earth-shattering happened.

Ten days before the Jewish festival of Pentecost, Jesus met with them on a normal Thursday. The disciples had great expectations that Jesus would now establish the kingdom. But Jesus did not want to set a time for it and promised them divine power through the Holy Spirit, who will lead them into the whole world (Acts 1: 6-8).

When Jesus ascended towards heaven before their eyes on the Mount of Olives and disappeared from their eyes through a cloud, Jesus opened a new chapter. Suddenly there were two angels who declared that Jesus was now in heaven and that one day he would come back to earth from there. But first of all, the disciples in Jerusalem waited for the promised power from above, which came to them after 10 days on Pentecost and fulfilled them and changed everything.

In John 18:36, Jesus said to Pilate: My kingdom is not like one of this world.

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