Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

The impacts of the Holy Spirit

In addition to a genuine interest in God, the Holy Spirit brings knowledge about God and our wrongdoings. We realise that we cannot save ourselves and grasp the hand of God that he extends to us in Jesus.

When we hold on to Jesus, the Holy Spirit causes us to love the heavenly Father, Jesus and the Bible, the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit causes us to accept God as a trustworthy Father. An inner knowledge arises in us that we are children of God. The Holy Spirit also works divine peace in us.

The Holy Spirit also creates the fruits of the Holy Spirit in us and gives us the gifts we need for our tasks. Our lives change slowly. Why slowly? No fruit suddenly pops up. It grows and matures over time.

Pentecost – breathtaking

The Holy Spirit moves, inspires, fills all of creation. Its impact is breathtaking. Wherever something picks up speed, develops strength or breaks out in the Bible – the Holy Spirit is involved.

At Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples suddenly understood God’s masterpiece and speak of the great acts of God (Acts 2).

John 14,26: „But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.“