The ten plagues are a model for the apocalypse of Revelation.
For the ancient Egyptians, the frog became a symbol of life and fertility because it brought fertility and thus life to the otherwise barren land with the alleged Nile flood. The Egyptian goddess of childbirth, Heqet, was depicted as a frog or with a frog’s head.
With the second plague, the message to Pharaoh was, “I, God, give life to every house and take it away, whenever I will.” Pharaoh thought he could determine who should be born and who should die.
The truth is, life is not doable. We can do many things, but it is God who gives a yes to every life and he can end every life when he wants.
Being born and dying affects every house. What is a good divine order can cause much hardship and misery through misuse. What should be a blessing becomes a plague.