Paul and Barnabas go directly to Antioch in Pisidia (Acts 13:14-52). This is the first sermon by Paul that we know of, and it shows what is important to him.
Paul shows that through Jesus our lack has been overcome. The law does not cancel out our failing (sin) (Acts 13:38), but through reconciliation with God we receive forgiveness.
After a week of good dialogue and contact, jealousy arises. Paul and Barnabas are negated. Not for theological reasons, but out of pure envy.
Joseph’s brothers in the Old Testament were also envious and no longer had a kind word for him (Genesis 37:4, 11).
Paul quotes Isaiah 49:6 and announces that they will now turn to the gentiles (Acts 13:47).
Those who can rejoice in God despite opposition will be filled more and more with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52).
more from Acts: