Tabita – The disciple of Jesus

Only once in the New Testament, in Act 9:36, is a woman literally referred to as a disciple.

When Tabita died, two men went to Lydda and asked Peter to come.

Peter has experienced something similar before. Back then in Capernaum, in the house of the synagogue ruler Jairus. At first it looked as if they had arrived too late. Jesus behaved in exactly the same way as Peter did now and first of all made sure there was calm. Jesus said to the dead woman: ‘Talita kum’ (get up girl) (Mark 5:40-41).

Peter must first talk to God. He does not simply pray for a miracle, but the miracle arises from the prayer. Then he will have said: ‘Tabita kum’.

We are always in danger of praying for something obvious instead of listening in prayer to what is on God’s heart at that moment.

This is how the first raising of the dead occurs among the followers of Jesus.

Peter stays in Joppa with Simon, a tanner. Tanners belonged to the unclean professions. Peter stays with just such a person. It is a clear statement: no one is excluded from the people of Jesus.

more from Acts:

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