Those who walk with Jesus can expect resistance. But children of God do not walk in their own strength (Ephesians 6:10). Her master equips them. Not to fight people, but to protect themselves and ward off cunning attacks. Evil must be overcome with good (Romans 12:21). Christians should not hide in fear but stand boldly for the truth (Ephesians 6:20).
Paul uses the image of a Roman soldier, which was well known to everyone at the time, as a reminder. Today we would perhaps speak of an antivirus program.
“Girdled with Truth” – A Roman soldier wore a loose robe of loose fabric. The girdle was necessary so that his robe would not prevent him from moving. He must not stumble in battle. It is important to wear the belt of truth because lies bring us down.
“Breastplate of Justice” – The breastplate was typically a hard, sleeveless garment made of leather or heavy material that protected the soldier’s heart and other vital organs. Those who rely on God’s righteousness are protected even if they make a mistake.
“Booted with a willingness to bear witness to the gospel of peace”—shoes were a prerequisite for being able to walk anywhere with ease. So we should always be ready to go where God sends us to share the good news of peace with God.
“Shield of Faith” – The shield was the first thing the enemy came into contact with. Faith is the basic trust in God and his word. Trust in God is the first thing the devil wants to destroy.
“Helmet of Salvation” – The helm protected the head where the enemy preferred to aim. Do we protect our thoughts or do we let all kinds of ideas twist our heads? Assurance of salvation comes from speaking the divine truths.
“Sword of the Spirit” – Just as the sword was the soldier’s only offensive weapon, so the word of God alone exposes the enemy. We see this in the story of Jesus’ temptation (Matthew 4:1-11). Therefore, it is important that we nourish our faith from the Bible so that we can discern what is good for us.
Anyone who doesn’t stick to the truth, doesn’t build on God’s righteousness, doesn’t want to stand to Jesus, doesn’t trust God’s promises, constantly questions his salvation and ignores the Bible, the mess-maker has an easy time with him.
That is why Paul asks us to pray for one another. Paul knew that we all need God’s help, including himself. That help comes through prayer. God comes to people who invite him and want him in their lives.
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