It is remarkable that John does not describe the person sitting on the throne in detail.
John speaks of the glow coming from God shining like jasper and carnelian surrounded by an emerald rainbow.
The jasper is a crimson speckled stone. Crimson is the colour of the king. This stone symbolizes that God reigns. He is above everything. What he says is suitable.
The colour of carnelian is closest to human skin. This stone tells us: God is our counterpart, or we are his image. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.'”
The emerald rainbow is like an aurora borealis and is a reminder of life. Green, like plants, symbolizes life. The rainbow symbolizes the faithfulness and mercy of God, as experienced by Noah in the rainbow in Genesis 9:12-17.
God reigns. We are like his image and life comes from Him. He keeps his word.