He who has no arguments threatens

Using Psalm 118 in Acts 4:11, Peter reminds the Sanhedrin that it is already written in the Scriptures that Jesus will be the cornerstone. Though much had to happen, now was the time for repentance and reorientation.

The fact that the leaders were unable to answer (Acts 4:14) calls into question their authority. In their weakness, all they have left is the threat (Acts 4:18).

Peter shows that freedom of faith has a high value. In matters of faith, God is to be obeyed more than men.

The history of the Jesus movement is marked by headwinds and people who, through divine power, rise above themselves and have profound experiences of God.

Not being silenced is an important part of the Jesus movement. They could have met in a protected environment and not been exposed to opposition.

More form Acts:

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