Category Archives: Israel

Desire for the temple

A member of the Knesset suggests that not only Jews should be able to freely visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and express their faith, but that the Third Temple should be built.

Nissim Vaturi visited the Temple Mount in December. Vaturi openly recited the traditional Jewish prayer. Vaturi is the second member of the Likud Knesset who not only enters the Temple Mount, but also calls for the construction of the third temple. In early December Likud MP Amit HaLevi was also on the Temple Mount.

More and more Muslim Arabs are demanding that Israel should remove control from the Palestinian Waqf.

Jerusalem’s Sheikh, Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, has banned UAE and Bahraini nationals entering via Israel to the Temple Mount.

The Saudi journalist Abdel Rahman Al-Lahim tweeted: “It is very important for the Emiratis and Bahrainis to discuss with Israel ways of liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque from Palestinian thugs in order to protect visitors from Palestinian thuggery.

Rotenberg: “The time has come to replace the Supreme Muslim Council with an international council with representatives from Muslim nations that formally recognize Israel, as well as representatives from Israel, both Jewish and Muslim and the Palestinian Authority (if it is willing).”

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahum visited the UAE. He estimated that 100,000-250,000 Muslim tourists from the region will come to Jerusalem in the future. “Just as we developed Christian tourism, we plan to work to develop Muslim tourism.” more information

Normalization with Israel

Saudi companies want to invest in Israel with the help of intermediaries from Bahrain. The potential investors are primarily interested in the high-tech offer in Israel.

After rumors about a possible normalization of relations between Indonesia and Oman with Israel, the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that soon we will see many more Muslim states normalizing their relations with Israel.

In addition to Oman and Indonesia, the “Jerusalem Post” also names states such as Mauritania, Niger and Saudi Arabia, but also Pakistan as possible states that could establish relations with Israel.

The Israeli Jerusalem Post quoted Israeli officials as saying that Saudi Arabia would announce normalization with Israel within 12 months.

A turning point in Islam

Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Clergy Community, declared on Saturday December 19 in Pakistan:

Muslim scholars should read the Koran, in which Mohammed writes: Enter the Holy Land which Allah has destined for you ˹to enter˺ (Sure 5:21). Muslims need to read the Koran and understand the text what the Koran says. The Koran and history prove to us that Israel belongs to the Jews. King David built the house of God in Jerusalem for the Israelis and not for the Palestinians.  Continue reading A turning point in Islam

Dubai safer for Jews than Europe

While Jews in Dubai and the UAE can wear their kippah openly without fear, they dare to do it less and less in Europe.

Last week’s Hanukkah celebrations in Dubai and national efforts to support tolerance and coexistence in the United Arab Emirates have created a reality where Jews are more welcome and safer in the UAE than in Europe.

In most European countries you have to think twice about wearing a kippah because it is risky. You could be spat at, yelled at, arbitrarily attacked, or even murdered.

It also shows that it’s not that difficult to have tolerance. In most Asian countries you can wear a kippah and feel safe.