There are three levels in the 10 plagues of Egypt. On the one hand, through history we see what man is like and what God is like.
Then history is also a model that shows us how God knocks on peoples’ doors and on individuals. We see how God gives opportunities for repentance and how he speaks more and more clearly.
But it also becomes visible how man distances himself more and more from God. Man does not perish because he knows nothing about God, but because he does not want to admit him. There were also Egyptians who joined Israel. Exodus 12:38 says, “A great crowd of other people also went with them.”
It is interesting that in the last book of the Bible, in Revelation, similar plagues are mentioned. There it also says that people do not want to turn back to God.
It is an eye opener that God does not change the world but leads people who trust in him out of trouble. We see that in Noah, in Lot of Sodom, in Moses and in Revelation.