Hello Ibrahim
You asked me who God was for me. – Well, I can answer you like this: Everyone experiences God differently. In the Bible I discover that God loves me because I am. This is why the Bible also speaks of God loving his enemies (Romans 5:10) – not because they are enemies, but because they are people he created, and he wants to be in contact with them.
I experience that God cares about me. For him it is important what happens to me. That is why he is also ready to pay for me if I no longer turn away from him and turn to him.
He wants me to have time with him; he wants to show me the beauty of this world. He is happy when I am interested in him and love him because he is – regardless of whether I recognize his actions at the moment.
God wants me to tell him what makes me happy and what moves me. He wants me to trust him, let him make decisions and see how varied he reacts.
The God of the Bible is committed to his word. He does not change his statements and does what he promises.
Isma’il al Faruqi describes the difference between Allah and the God of Christians in Christian Mission and Islamic Da’wah (The Islamic Foundation, 1982, pp. 47-48) as follows: “Allah only reveals his will … Allah reveals himself to no one … that’s the big difference between Christianity and Islam.”
As I understand it, in Islam it is important to obey Allah’s instructions in order to get to Paradise. Allah himself is in the seventh heaven behind the lotus tree and according to tradition only Mohammed could speak to him directly.
As I understand Sura 17:15, the Muslim has to look after himself: “If someone allows himself to be guided, he does it for his own benefit, and if someone goes astray, to his own disadvantage. And no one will bear another’s burden. ” Or as it says in Sura 18:17: “Whom God guides rightly, he is (in truth) rightly guided. But for those whom he misleads, you will not find a friend who would lead him on the right path. ”
Just as Christians see God, God seeks contact with us humans and is interested in a lively exchange. At the very beginning of the Bible at Genesis 3: 8-9 it is written: “They hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?””
Best regards John
What would you have answered the question?